May 13, 2012

Check Up 6

At my school we have these assignments every week called Check Ups. There are ten questions, normally I answer at least 9... even though we normally have to answer at least 7. Most people say that Check Ups are really annoying and that they don't make any sense and that we shouldn't be given so much homework, but personally I actually really like them! And most of the time the questions are really easy, we have to write a paragraph or two answering the question and giving some thought into the explanations we provide. Simple, right? Well this week we only had to do 5... but what is really annoying is that we don't get to do any other problems for extra credit! I think that that is really annoying because I want to get a higher grade on it but I can't because I can only answer 5 questions! I don't think that it is really fair. What if I want to do more? I want to... but I CAN'T? Oh well. Oh, here is one of my answers... Number Nine.

Native Americans and Settlers did not get along very well. The Native Americans believed that they should be able to keep the land that had belonged to their ancestors long before any of the settlers decided to steal it from them. On the other hand, the Americans who had fought and died for this new land believed that they should be able to keep the land that they had fought Britain and The Native Americans for. This disagreement caused many problems for the up and running America, since it wasn’t the best country in the world, and it wasn’t very experienced either.  Lots of Men, Women and Children were killed on each side, and entire villages were killed.  
That is pretty much what average Answers are like. I mean sometimes they are really long, or really short.

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